Staffordshire Historic and Architectural Properties and Gardens
Castles, Abbeys, Churches, Houses, Estates and Gardens, Industrial Heritage attractions and museums (English Heritage / National Trust / others) many with brief details of disabled access.
Along with the attractions listed on this page you may also find places of interest on the Staffordshire Attractions and Nature pages. We suggest that you also visit the pages for the neighbouring counties to see what else there is in the area.
We support ‘Accessible Countryside for Everyone’ in providing a brief guide as to the access / facilities for the sites listed
The Ancient High House - Stafford - the largest remaining timber framed town house in England, " in 1642 when King Charles I stayed there en route to Shrewsbury, and the house retains an extensive collection of period furniture and architectural features", a museum with Civil War Room, Edwardian Shop, Victorian Room, Georgian displays with the attic floor being home to the Staffordshire Yeomanry Regiment Museum - "Because of the many steps, access to the house is extremely difficult for people with severe mobility impairment"
Biddulph Grange Garden - (NT) - Victorian garden, "created by James Bateman for his collection of plants from around the world...A visit takes you on a global journey from Italy to the pyramids of Egypt, a Victorian vision of China and a re-creation of a Himalayan glen" - "Narrow gravel paths, over 400 steps and tunnels throughout the garden...Access toilet adjacent to the visitor reception", Baby-changing facilities
Claymills Victorian Pumping Station - Stretton, Burton upon Trent - Visitor Centre, four beam engines, five boilers, Steam driven workshop, Forge and a 1930's dynamo house, over 20 other stationary steam engines in operation, Stokers Rest Café & Bookshop - "The only area of the museum that cannot be accessed by wheelchairs are the upper floors of the engine houses. All areas are level access except for the Stokers Rest which has a ramp", accessible toilet -
Croxden Abbey (EH)- Croxden, Uttoxeter - ruins of 12th century abbey including towering fragments of its 13th century church, infirmary and 14th century abbot's lodging, small visitor display. - We believe that there is no wheelchair access to the site, but that much of the site can be seen from the road.
Izaak Walton's Cottage - Shallowford, Stafford - thatched 16th century half-timbered cottage "offers a marvellous insight into the history of fishing and the literary talent of Stafford's famous son".period rooms are furnished to reflect the rural trappings of the 17th Century, knot garden, cafe, shop -
"With support the Cottage ground floor and some of the grounds are wheelchair accessible"
Ford Green Hall is a timber-framed yeoman’s farmhouse of 1624 with 18th century brick additions, complete with period garden, visit for an insight into 17th century life, rooms are furnished with an outstanding collection of textiles, ceramics and furniture, shop and tea room - We have no accessibility information on this site
St Giles Catholic Church - Cheadle, Staffordshire - considered to be the finest of all the churches built by A W N Pugin, completed in 1846, "of unique importance in the history of the Gothic and Catholic revival and is popularly known as 'Pugin's Gem'" - Unfortunately we have no accessibility info for this site
Shugborough Estate (NT)- 900 acres estate, ancestral home to the Earls of Lichfield, includes a Grade 1 Listed Park and Mansion and the Grade 2 Park Farm and Walled Garden, estate, canal and river walks, mill, cafe, shop, main house and servants quarters - "Many steps to house entrance. Stairs to all floors" though a stair climber to entrance - disabled toilets & Changing Places facility in Park Farm courtyard Mobility trampers available for hire from reception, Baby-changing facilities
Stafford Castle - impressive example of the motte and bailey system, "after recent restoration work and a programme of archaeological investigation Stafford Castle is considered one of the best surviving examples of Norman earthworks in the country", 26 acres, Keep, inner bailey, outer bailey, woodland, herb garden, visitor centre, audio visual display of the castles history, items including arms, armour and costumes, events - Visitor Centre is wheelchair accessible, accessible toilet, access to the grounds and the Keep is extremely difficult for people with severe mobility impairment.
Tutbury Castle - Tutbury, Burton-on-Trent - 11th century castle, historical re-enactment, archaeological excavation, an authentic Tudor garden and mediaeval herbery, the ‘haunted’ Great Hall and King’s Bedroom - The Great Hall is not accessible, ramped access to tea-room / gift shop, main compound of the castle is mostly grassy and flat, although it is bumpy in parts, accessible toilet. The herbery is aa accessible sensory garden